LAHD Neglected A 1911 Bungalow to Death

C.C. de Vere

C.C. de Vere

· 1 min read
Screenshot of 1816 N. Wilton Pl., a white two-story Craftsman house with boarded-up windows, a red roof, and red front steps, before it burned down

There are probably still some people who don't believe that there are buildings being kept empty around the city or that the city itself is complicit in this.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.

Speaking of water...early this morning, LAFD had to extinguish a structure fire at 1816 N. Wilton Pl., a two-story Craftsman house that has sat empty since 2008.

See, the Gay and Lesbian Adolescent Society, an LGBTQ+ youth nonprofit that previously owned the house, went belly-up in 2008. The nonprofit opted to deed it to the Community Redevelopment Agency in lieu of foreclosure in 2009.

CRA/LA quitclaimed it to LAHD in 2013.

LAHD kept it vacant. I surmise they knew that sooner or later, some developer pal of a City Hall parasite would want the land - it IS in Franklin Village, you know.

The cause of the fire is under investigation, but have you noticed empty buildings sure seem to burn down far more frequently than occupied ones (barring wildfires, which are equal-opportunity destroyers)?

This 1911 home saw two world wars, survived the 101 cutting through Hollywood and displacing many houses like it, and survived Hollywood's many ups and downs...but it couldn't survive LAHD leaving it empty for over a decade.

Shame on them.

1816 North Wilton Place, Franklin Village.

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C.C. de Vere

About C.C. de Vere

C.C. is a fourth-generation Angeleno and is horrified at what greed and hubris are doing to Los Angeles.

This website was built by her preservation pals at Esotouric.

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